Gossip – The toxic habit of those with tacky poor character

It’s one of those hot afternoons in the month of August where the ceiling fan is rotating at its rated rpm, windows are open or else one is for sure to die of suffocation, sun’s brightness peeping in through the window and radiating its smile by making us sweat profusely that people has to go about taking showers twice a day. Seated with a mug of black coffee, I sit down to write about life…my life, your life, their lives, his life, her life…in general about the life from the percept of a human being. How do you define a human? I know many will wander to this question and may even call me weird for putting up this question. What would your answer be to this question? I am pretty sure many of us will instantly pop out Google search engine and get the answer in Wikipedia. But have we ever tried giving the answer from our own point of belief? Ask the learned scholars and they will give you some philosophical answer which makes you dazzle with words flying over your head. God’s creation is so much to be respected and appreciated for creating this beautiful creation. Staying inside a mother’s womb for 9 months, moving along with her wherever she goes, feeding on whatever nutrients being provided from the food she eats, to be able to hear her voice, her feel of warmth and care. Too innocent to go about judging others then. We for sure learn through these many years of our lives and meeting with different people but what matters most is the kind of human being we turn out to be at the end.
The reason I post this blog here today is I want to ask a question to all out there whoever takes time to read my blog “What do you get by making fun of others? What satisfaction do you get out of it? A momentary mental satisfaction or pleasures in seeing the other person get hurt.” Yes there is a saying that whatever comments are being passed then to consider taking it in a positive way. I agree with the fact that yes there are people out there who do try to find positivity even in a negative situation. But have you ever considered putting yourself out in the other person’s shoes. Virtually, there is no guarantee that the other person’s shoes will fit you but you still have to walk to reach your destination. You can’t expect yourself to be reaching your destination bare feet. Do you realize how the other person feels when one makes fun of her? Not everyone has the same thinking like one person likewise not all the fingers are same. Do you even realize what he/she is going through when he/she’s been made fun of?  I ask a question once again to those who make fun of others…What do you get out of this?
That moment of feeling pinched by your own near and dear ones, who to trust and who to look upon to. Everyone having two different faces and you never know who is right and who is wrong. You actually dance to the rhythm of other’s words. Does anyone actually try to seek out on what actually led to the circumstances where he/she is today? I bet there is rare and rarest of people out there to actually lend a hand of support to those who are going through such moment. Have you ever realized how mentally your words affect the other person? For you it is just words but for the other person going through such a moment, it’s like thrown out of a plane without a parachute. Your momentary moment of fun is a lifetime hell for the other person. Yes even if you are making fun of the other person, or back bitching about the other person…just don’t let him/her know about it. If you can’t digest the fact of him/her beginning to be happy then no one has forced you to clinch on to him/her. Or the other way round where he/she has not clinched onto you. When you can’t do anything atleast don’t go about making fun of the other person.
Life is what you make of it. One of my friends rightly said – “Everyone is fighting their own battle”. I couldn’t agree more here. There are so many reasons through which the other person is fighting his/her battle and being there for those in need is what I feel is being counted at the end of the day.  Just some words are more than comforting to gear up the other person and keep going with life. The grass always looks green on the other side.  But it’s best not to comment until and unless you have landed on the other side and have actually seen and come to the conclusion that yes indeed the grass is green as experienced by yourself. Who am I to say all these talks about someone making fun of others? Today it has happened with me and I know this is happening to many out there. They are silent but they cry when the others sleep. No one understands better than those who have gone through such moments themselves. It has been rightly said that “Experience speaks”. I remember the time when I went through such words initially, people making fun of you, the way you live your life, the way you dress up, the way you look, the way you carry yourself, your status and God knows what not do these people find ways to make fun. Initially it was a worst moment as these words were more to be spoken by your near and dear ones. It sometimes felt like getting confined between the four walls, sometimes humiliating, sometimes finishing up this God damn life and so many such thoughts kept coming to me. I for sure tell you that I was totally alone at this juncture and sometimes when I sit and look back, I feel proud of myself where I have reached today. But not everyone makes this far in life after going through such humiliation. Surveys show that those going through such moments are more prone to alcohol or simply finishing up their life. But what next, what about the family members of the victim? Has anyone thought for them? Victim might be prone to alcohol or might just end up his/her life, but what next…what happens for the people, with the people who is near and dear to him/her.
It is easy to sit down one side and pass various comments on the others not realizing what impact it will have on the other person’s life. What happiness we get out of this? Ask yourself, what if you have to go through the same moment tomorrow? How will you feel when you come to know that people out there whom you consider near and dear ones are actually giving you names and making fun of you. What will be your reaction? Think maturely. You don’t have to make monetary donations or give anything to them, when all they need is just some supportive words. I know it is not possible to go about making everyone to stop making fun of the others. I am not someone to put a stop to someone’s freedom of speech. But yes, just because you have the freedom to speech does not mean that you go about back bitching, commenting on someone’s life style. He/She has struggled to reach where they are now. Atleast, when you all gossip, don’t let the other person be known that you are talking about them. It is not costing you any penny here.
I wouldn’t have written about this topic but as of late I am beginning to see that these habits are getting repeated again by many out there. When I was in the initial stage of being the victim to such moments it was totally disheartening and pinching. But now after having reached this stage of my life I am able to control the emotions with the guidance received from some spiritual Gurus, self healing, realizing your inner self. To all the people out there who will be reading this post, if you have been a victim of such moments, don’t lose hope. After every rainfall there is sunshine and so does the rainbow. Don’t let yourself fall the prey to loneliness, alcohol and to the extreme case of finishing up your own life. This life is precious. Religion says that the human life is obtained after being re-born for more than 80 lives. There are good moments as well as bad moments. Let’s try to indulge ourselves more on the good moments and let not such bitter moments affect us.
Life is short, cut out the negativity of gossip, forget gossip, say good bye to people who hurt you. Spend your days with people who are there…It’s not your job to stop people from talking behind you but it’s your job not to let it affect you because gossip reflects the insecurity of those who initiate it.


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